Thursday, June 17, 2010

Second Lives Project : Ambrotypes of Avatars

Sowa Mai Ambrotype by Susan E. Evans

Would you like to participate in an art project? Please send me a screen shot of your avatar(s) with their name, world or game and location “inworld.” I plan on making an ambrotype from the images as part of my project Second Lives. (Susan E. Evans)

Jimmy Branagh Ambrotype by Susan E. Evans

◦ What is needed: Full screen captures! Don't crop them as Susan will need to crop the images to fit the glass plates. If you crop them yourself she risks running out of image to cover the plate.

◦ How: Classic portrait style. Head shots, torso shots or full body shots are good. Don't send action captures. Static poses are best.

◦ When choosing your color palette, keep in mind that yellow hues will turn out black and fine white details will not show up if much of the image is light.

◦ Avatars in all virtual worlds welcome. This is an ongoing project. There is no deadline.

◦ Send your uncropped image and info (avatar name, world or game, and location inworld) to:

Dekka Raymaker Ambrotype by Susan E. Evans

The ambrotype (from Greek ambrotos, "immortal") or amphitype is a photograph that creates a positive image on a sheet of glass using the wet plate collodion process. (Wikipedia)

We live in a time where more people are using the digital frontier to entertain, escape and connect. It used to be that the ambrotypist would travel the frontier in their wagons and photograph those living on the fringes of civilization. Nearly 160 years later, I travel the new frontier of online communities, photographing those paving the way. While the inhabitants of these non-physical communities and games do not go there physically, they are often able to manipulate and control their online incarnation: creating an abject presence of themselves. This project creates both a tangibility and history to the 'lives' of these inhabitants who, by design, do not know or have either. The ambrotype images make a tangible manifestation of the intangible persona while simultaneously showing the death of that moment.

-- Susan E. Evans (more)

Here's a great look at the hands-on process of wet plate photography as practiced by fine art photographer Sally Mann:

To see more ambrotypes of avatars made by Susan E. Evans look here

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


9 June 2010

Virtual Art Performance filmed in Second Life®

Live performance as part of the Companionship mini-series: Selavy Oh with qiezli Hixantapo (Jeremy Owen Turner) at the Museo del Metaverso, Uqbar

"qiezli as abstract avatar consisting of colored geometric shapes and Selavy. 'Undressing' the avatars reveals the underlying human shape of both avatars. After being completely undressed, both avatars swapped shape and appearance and slowly dressed using 'clothes' and attachments of the other, thus becoming the other" (Selavy Oh)

Music "Rainsong 1.1" by Mack Gecko, performed by Scratchdaisy Trio

More info:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Reposted: Newark is Watching open to RL this Saturday


This is the final week of Brooklyn is Watching before it hands over the prims to Newark is Watching. evonne has posted this notice on the Newark is Watching blog. I think there's going to be a tower takeover event then but I don't actually know any details! Gallery Aferro will be showing Newark is Watching to the public in their New Media Room (link for event). Come if you can and help inaugurate the new space! Will there be chaos? Probably. Will there be someone at a party in an art gallery watching? YES!

On June 19th, from 7-10 PM EST, the RL public attending Gallery Aferro’s 2nd annual benefit party will be able to operate Monet and look around. Not sure what to expect, but there will be more people in the gallery than at almost any other time of year.

So if you want to say hello or watch as Monet staggers a bit, please do visit.

Visit the Newark is Watching blog


Brooklyn is Watching: The new Amy Freelunch show 3: Exploding Selavy

Sunday 13 June 2010: Amy breaks Brooklyn is Watching's simulated physics with her endlessly gushing Selavy Oh/Mosmax Hax pipeline art piece combining big bang scripting with Whitenoise freebies, discusses the art movement called Virtualism and how it could relate to several big pictures (info & info), and examines nerdy-funny robot art assembled with found objects by Cheyenne Palisades (who, by the way, has announced her candidacy for CEO of Linden Lab® here). Mab, who is definitely a nerd, has not had time to be inworld since last week so is illustrating this great Amy Freelunch podcast with an itty bitty slideshow made previously (above) and also a nice image (below) of a water skiing robot made by Cheyenne so you can squint your eyes and imagine seeing the things that Amy describes so well at Brooklyn is Watching.

Listen to the podcast here, or go to the SoundCloud page. The new podcast is currently in rotation on Soup radio inworld on the Soup sims. The radio is reset most days at 1PM SLT, which means that Amy's podcast can be heard at that time, as well as intermittently the rest of the hours. After a few days off, podcasts 1 & 2 will rejoin the playlist inworld again.

'Who Says Robots Can't Water Ski?' by Cheyenne Palisades

The new Amy Freelunch show, ep 3: Exploding Selavy by Amy Freelunch

Visit Brooklyn is Watching in Second Life® SLurl


Friday, June 4, 2010

Brooklyn is Watching : Chance-Imagery #5

Chance-Imagery #5 by Mab MacMoragh

29 May 2010

Virtual Artwork filmed in Second Life® at Brooklyn is Watching

Artists: Betty Tureaud, Dancoyote Antonelli, Gleman Jun, Glyph Graves, Kicca Igaly, Monroe Jigsaw, nessuno Myoo, Oberon Onmura, Solo Mornington, Werner Kurosawa

Music: 'I'd Like That' by XTC

::: Soup ::: Push
